Software for the Computer Science curriculum..
Useful for K12 computer science curriculum.
Explore the inside of a personal computer, without removing the case.
Computer Explorer lets you see inside a computer and zoom and pan round the parts of a computer.
Type: Computer Science Software
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How a Computer Works is the ultimate guide and reference tool. Packed with stunning simulations and excellent graphics this guide brings the inside of a Windows PC to life. A fascinating and absorbing overview of what's happening inside a computer.
Great for use with computer science and computing curriculum.
Learn more about how a computer works.
Includes comprehensive guides to the main components of a windows based computer.
Explains the technologies that make up a computer. Explains where all the connections on the back go to.
Demonstrates how MIDI works.
Includes clear diagrams of the main computer parts and descriptions of how they work.
Type: Computer Science Software
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Inside the Internet describes how the internet works.
Inside the Internet provides descriptions and simulations of the main working parts of the Internet.
With Inside the Internet you have:
22 Programs describing the main parts and services of how the internet works.
1 Simulation program providing a convenient reference to the main simulations of Inside the Internet.
A TLD Map enabling you to trace the route of a domain name.
Type: Computer Science Software
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Logic Gates & Counters is the package for learning about logic gates and digital counters.
Interactive simulations of logic gates and digital counters are included, the pupil can simulate the different logic states of gates.
Type: Computer Science Software
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Visual Disk simulates the operation of a CD/DVD Rom drive the simulation enables virtual disks to be created.
Shows how cds work.
Type: Computer Science Software
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Visual Hard Drive simulates the operation of a computer’s hard disk drive and shows how a hard drive works.
The virtual drive has a controller board, four magnetic platters and eight read/write heads. Upto 32 bits of data can be written and read from the hard disk drive. The drive simulates data being written and read from the top platter and shows how a hard drive works.
Virtual data can be written in a safe environment. Data can be read from the virtual disk and be displayed as binary, bytes and ASCII.
Visual Hard Drive has four magnetic platters and eight read/write heads.
Type: Computer Science Software
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Visual Memory demonstrates how computer memory works. Visual Memory shows a memory chip in operation.
The memory chip has 16 address lines and 8 data lines.
The program simulates in 3D the operation of a typical dram memory chip.
Each memory location is accessible you can write either to each location.
Type: Computer Science Software
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Build a virtual windows pc. Realize the thrill of creating your own pc system motherboard.
Make the motherboard that you want. Ideal for use in K12 computer science curriculums.
Type: Computer Science Software
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Visual RAID simulates the operation of a servers dual RAID hard disk drives.
Each virtual drive has a controller board, four magnetic platters and eight read/write heads.
Upto 32 bits of data can be written and read from the RAID drive.
The drive simulates data being written and read from the top platter.
Virtual data can be written in a safe environment.
Type: Computer Science Software
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Visual Graphics Memory demonstrates a memory chip that stores 8 bit color data. The memory chip has 16 address lines and 8 data lines and shows how computer memory works.
The program simulates in 3D the operation of a typical dram graphics memory chip.
Type: Computer Science Software
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Visual PC is a virtual computer. Visual PC is a brilliant demonstration of the inner works of a personal computer. The virtual reality simulations change in unison with changes on the systems motherboard, this enables a realistic demo of a virtual computer to be achieved.
Great for use with computer science and computing curriculum.
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Type: Computer Science Software
For use with computer science and computing curriculum. VR Network simulates the key processes in a typical network environment. The virtual computers simulate two workstations, administrator, server with RAID drives, network switch, modem and printer. This software is great for learning how a network works.
Type: Computer Science Software
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The program is a great introduction to the inner workings of a Raspberry Pi. Students can see what is going on inside a virtual Raspberry Pi. VR PI simulates the main processes of a working virtual Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi main systems are simulated in 3D. The Pi can be zoomed in and viewed from different angles. VR PI is a powerful simulation of the main processes involved in running applications and using hardware on a Raspberry Pi. VR PI shows the main processes of the GPU in block schematic form.
Type: Computer Science Software
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Great for use with computer science and computing curriculum. VR PC is a virtual computer that simulates the main processes of a working PC. The virtual computer program is a great introduction to the inner workings of a computer. The 3D realistic parts of a virtual computers motherboard, sound card, AGP card, hard disk drive and cd/dvd drive are all simulated. Students can see what is going on inside a virtual computer. The computers main systems are simulated.
Type: Computer Science Software
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Computer science software for k12 curriculum. The program is a great introduction to the inner workings of a how a server works. VR Server simulates the main processes of a working Server.
The 3D realistic parts of the servers motherboard, 2 X CPU, 2 X RAID hard disk drives, LAN and cd/dvd drive are all simulated.
Students can see how a server works. The servers main systems are simulated.
The motherboard can be rotated and moved, you can zoom in onto the motherboard to see simulations close up.
VR Server is a powerful simulation of the main processes involved in running applications and using hardware on a Windows server,
Great for use with computer science and computing curriculum.
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Type: Computer Science Software
VR CPU is a new program that simulates the operation of a Pentium processor.
A schematic block visualises the processor in 3D.
Shows the main CPU parts.
VR CPU shows how a CPU works.
The main functions of the CPU are simulated.
The cpu can be zoomed in and rotated through 360 degrees.
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Type: Computer Science Software
Simple Computing is the package for learning about how to use a computer. Through
graphics and animations of the essential computer hardware, pupils will gain a
basic understanding of what all the computer peripherals will do.
Simple Computing is the starting point for learning how to use a computer.
Simple Computing includes ten tutorials that explain the function of the parts
that go to make up a computer system.
Type: Computer Science Software
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Interactive Bitmap simulates the process of setting block pixels on a bitmap.
Interactive Bitmap shows how bitmaps are made and stored.
Useful to demonstrate color palettes, binary color numbers and VRAM.
Shows how bitmaps are created with colors down to binary level.
Type: Computer Science Software
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Students use Interactive Email to demonstrate how email works.
With Interactive Email a message is typed in by the student. The message is then sent to another virtual computer. The student can see the email travel through cabling and servers until it reaches a mail server. The student then retrieves the message from the mail server.
A 3D earth globe that can be rotated and zoomed in on is populated with computers that connect to virtual point of presence (POP) cabling connects these together.
Type: Computer Science Software
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Interactive Cipher is a useful introduction to the world of encryption and shift ciphers.
Useful to simulate the creation of encrypted messages and how encryption works
Students use Interactive Cipher to demonstrate how encryption works.
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Type: Computer Science Software
Interactive CPU is a new program that simulates the operation of a Pentium processor.
A schematic block visualises the processor in 3D.
Shows the main CPU parts.
Interactive CPU shows how a CPU works.
The main functions of the CPU are simulated.
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Type: Computer Science Software
Explore the inside of a tablet based computer, without taking it to bits.
Tablet Explorer lets you see inside a tablet computer and zoom and pan round the parts of a tablet computer.
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Type: Computer Science Software
VR Tablet simulates the main processes of a working tablet. The program is a great introduction to
the inner workings of a tablet computer.
The 3D realistic parts of a tablets motherboard, touchscreen and display are all simulated.
VR Tablet is a powerful simulation of the main processes involved in running applications and
using hardware on a Windows tablet.
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Type: Computer Science Software